Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Is there a link between lack of sleep or disturbed sleep and my blood sugars?

There certainly can be. Studies have shown that sleep deprivation can have a negative effect on several aspects of  metabolism, including blood sugar, blood pressure, and even cholesterol levels. Blood sugars can be increased by  the  stress of  lack of  sleep. What  constitutes  an adequate amount of sleep varies among individuals, so what may be a metabolic stress for one may not be so for another. The elevation in blood sugars will not nec- essarily occur upon awakening, but can occur anytime due to elevated levels of stress hormones throughout the day. Stress hormones tend to push the blood sugar level up. Sometimes sev- eral days of  deprived sleep are  necessary to  have a measurable effect on the blood sugars.

Several other factors are worth noting. If the lack of sleep is  associated with restless behavior (e.g., tossing and turning or arising and pacing), the increased physi- cal activity may actually lower the blood sugars. A con- dition known as obstructive sleep apnea, or OSA, can occur in people with obesity and type 2 diabetes. This can cause frequent awakening at night, with  daytime sleepiness and napping. The net amount of sleep may be more or less than normal in people with OSA. Gen- erally, a bed partner will notice snoring and a disturbed breathing  pattern.  This  condition  is  treatable  and sometimes constitutes medical justification for surgical intervention to control obesity. You should inform your doctor if you suspect you have this problem.  Finally, shortened  sleep tends  to  be  associated with  weight gain, so that restoration of a satisfactory sleep pattern can actually aid in efforts to reduce weight, which will generally help to control blood sugars.

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